Friday, January 11, 2013

Jett B. Biking Jersey

I've been pretty sick lately and haven't had a chance to update my blog.  I've been in the hospital for the last few days trying to get better.  As soon as I feel better I'll tell you all about the last couple of weeks.

Right now I want to tell you about something else.  If you remember back to last September, the awesome Highmark group made some Jett B. biking jerseys and all rode to work in them.  (read about it here) After that, Mommy and Daddy had a lot of people ask them where they could get a Biking Jersey.  Since we didn't make them, they weren't really accessible for other people.  Thanks to Jett Mountian Bike Gear, there are now Jett B. Biking Jersey's available.  (Notice a similarity in the names?)  Thanks so much to them for stepping up and helping out.

The Jersey's are made for mountain biking, but can obviously be used for any type of biking (or other modes of exercise).  Thanks to everyone for following my journey.

If you are interested in one Go Here